Drake Attention and Cognition Lab heads to OPAM & Psychonomics!

DAC Lab RA’s Olivia Proctor, Kaylee Graves, Lizzie Haars, and Samantha Guiragossian are off to Boston to present their research at OPAM and to check out all of the cool cognitive psychology research being presented at the Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting. Congratulations to Olivia, Kaylee, Lizzie, and Samantha on their first conference poster presentation!

Drake Attention & Cognition lab members presented their work at DUCURS!

Our lab worked hard to get three experiments worth of data collected in time for DUCURS. All of the hard work paid off with some very cool data to show our poster visitors!

Kaylee explaining our experiments to a poster visitor.
Olivia explained our results to Dr. Klipec.
Samantha, Olivia, and Kaylee with Dr. Cronin at the end of their poster session. We missed Lizzie!